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Learning Journey

Although a hugely worthwhile culture change, Building Learning Power is a gradual, and sometimes difficult, process; a long and winding road toward learning for life. Our journey map will help you identify where you and your school are now, what you are aiming for, and the waypoints you will pass.


Benefits of having the map are that it:

  • guides you through the significant culture shift involved in establishing Learning Power
  • provides a framework to get you on the right track and keep you there
  • develops Learning Power systematically through the curriculum, making sure it doesn’t fizzle out
  • keeps learning under review, so that Learning Power is always fresh and robust
  • brings and keeps everyone on board
  • ensures that Learning Power is deeply embedded so that it lasts and makes a difference


Each row describes a different aspect of the journey – school behaviour, leading to teacher behaviour, leading to young people’s behaviour.

Ask yourself whether your school looks like this.


Year 1: The school supports a community of enquiry and values dialogue about learning

The school understands the value of developing learning behaviours. It establishes professional learning communities, engages in continual dialogue with staff on the learning process, and sets up coaching partnerships to generate improvement.

Year 2: The school focuses continuing development on their data about the use (scope and depth) of learning behaviours in classrooms

The school broadens its collection of ‘compelling data’ to guide the activity of professional learning communities and the subsequent development of learning behaviours in children. Learning behaviours are designed progressively into the whole curriculum, and parents are kept informed on the growth these behaviours in their children.

Year 3: The school strengthens character-led education that progressively builds pupils as self aware and confident learners

The school uses its data about improving quality, to drive development. The curriculum designed in Phase 2 around progression in learning behaviours is now used across the school. Parents are engaged successfully in building their children’s learning behaviours, and a character-led education is established and kept under review.

Year 1: Teachers effect gradual and deep change in classroom culture and practise with key learning behaviours

Teachers assess pupils’ starting points, and introduce them to key learning behaviours. The language of learning is used to nudge progress, and displays in classrooms reflect the value placed on learning. Teachers model being a learner, and begin to weave learning behaviours with content in lessons.

Year 2: Teachers effect swifter inclusion of a wider range of learning behaviours and keep these under review

Teachers introduce and develop talk to nudge a widening range of learning behaviours. They infuse learning behaviours accurately into lessons, tying them to content. Pupils’ progress in learning behaviours is kept under review.

Year 3: Teachers fitnesse a curriculum, centered on learning behaviours, that heightens content acquisition and growth of learning character

Teachers improve their fluency in the depth and use of learning language. Progressive learning behaviours are infused over projects and units of work, and tasks are designed to heighten content acquisition and progression in learning behaviours. Teachers continually monitor the development of pupils’ learning character.

Year 1: Pupils build awareness of learning language and use of key learning behaviours

Pupils are aware of the words of learning behaviours, use learning behaviours when prompted or required to, set targets for improving them, and build awareness of when and how to use them.

Year 2: Pupils build understanding in how a wide range of learning behaviours enable them to make curriculum progress

They develop and use an ever-richer language in a wider range of learning behaviours, set themselves stepped targets for improvement in those behaviours, and realise the value of learning behaviours to improve their understanding of curriculum content.

Year 3: Pupils gain fluency in learning habits, and propel their own development as life-long independent and confident learners

Pupils talk fluently and confidently about themselves as improving learners, use a wide range of learning behaviours profitably and independently, in school and out, and have developed learning character for life-long learning.

Just starting on your journey? We have plenty of Phase 1 programmes and resources to help you find your feet and keep you on track.

If you are on your way but would like to add more depth and breadth to your Learning Power offering, take a look here at our Phase 2 CPD programmes.

Is your school already solid on Learning Power? Why not gain accreditation with the Learning Quality Framework mark?

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