Successful Futures invites change…in teaching practice and the learning habits of their pupils.
Today’s programme examines…how teachers should respond and showcases a pioneering school with its pupils sharing their learning experiences.
Welcome to a ‘learning school’ where Building Learning Power has transformed learning habits and already begun to prepare young people for worlds beyond formal education.
Why is Burry Port Community Primary School a learning school?
Learning is not just for pupils but for the entire school, its leaders, teachers and their students. They regard Successful Futures as a shared learning journey in which everyone steps up to the challenges of change.
The result…the school has learned that ‘learning is a learnable’! It has sought, found and engineered practical ways of enabling pupils to become much better learners. Passive, dependent, spoon-fed pupils have sprung to life and become engaged, independent, inquisitive, creative and productive learners throughout the school
Teachers as learners
Following a robust self-evaluation all the teachers have learned to view learning differently; seeing their role more akin to that of a learning coach. Differences in their practices across the school have been smoothed out and now use what was considered excellent practice in Foundation Phase throughout the school. Teachers now put emphasis on the process of learning rather than content; by making the ‘how’ of learning visible to pupils themselves.
Pupils as learners
As a consequence pupils are learning about how to be learners, improving and developing their learning behaviours. Behaviours like perseverance, collaboration, listening, imagining, reasoning and questioning have been introduced. Children no longer see challenge as a threat because they are being equipped with the learning skills they need for life.
Burry Port isn’t a Pioneer School but it certainly is a pioneering school. Come and join us for a practical ‘how to’ day about making Successful Futures a reality in your school. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to hear from teachers and children about their learning journey.
Showcase programme
09:30 | Welcome and introductions | |
09:35 | Empowering students in the new curriculum. An introduction to Learning Power. | |
10:05 | Implementing Learning Power…our learning journey so far. | |
10:45 | Coffee break | |
11:00 11:00 | A walk round the school Classroom Activities for developing learning power | |
12:00 | Experiences of a classroom teacher… | |
12:30 | Lunch (Cold buffet lunch) | |
13:00 | Children talking about learning. | |
13:15 | Repeat of 11:00 with groups swapped | |
14:00 | Reviewing experiences and questions | |
14:30 | Close |
Read what Estyn has to say about Burry Port Community Primary: ‘Challenging pupils’ learning, challenging outcomes’
A quick overview of Successful Futures; a new curriculum for Wales