A development programme to help schools build better learners
This resource offers an extensive description and discussion exploring the ‘what and why’ of Building Better Learners. The extensive material is organised in ways that are easy to browse or skip around according to what interests you.
Do please contact us if you’d like to explore anything in more depth — by the Contact form or email, or even pick up the phone for a live (real person) chat.
Finding what you need…
Section 1 Foundation principles and structure: offers an overview of important ideas that underlie the design of the whole programme.
Section 2 Sustaining the journey: describes the various ways we at TLO could support your school in both making a start and moving through the programme.
Section 3 Leadership concerns: raises seven important Leadership Questions that you and your senior team are likely to consider in taking on this programme.
Section 4 Inside Phase 1 ‘Playing the Learning Power Game’: offers an explanation of the purpose, focus and making the most of Phase 1 of the programme.
Section 5 Inside Phase 2 ‘The Professional Learning Power Game’: explains the purpose of Phase 2 in helping teachers to both widen and deepen their understanding of learning behaviours and teaching for better learning.
A quick reminder…
Building Learning Power is an approach to helping young people to become better learners, both in school and out. It is about creating a culture in classrooms – and in the school more widely – that systematically cultivates the habits and attitudes that enable young people to face difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively. Students who are more confident of their own learning ability learn faster and learn better. They concentrate more, think harder and find learning more enjoyable.
Learning powered students have learnt how to be tenacious and resourceful, imaginative and logical, self-disciplined and self-aware, collaborative and inquisitive.
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