Building Better Learners: Phase 1
Programme Launch: Possibilities
Full-day INSET
Sessions led by TLO
Morning 4hr session for all staff, introducing the concepts and practice behind Building Better Learners
Afternoon 2hr session for senior leaders covering the leadership aspects of the blended learning programme.
Sessions led by TLO.
Using Zoom or equivalent. 75 – 90 mins long
Session 1 for school leaders, to build familiarity and confidence in the programme and prepare for launching to full staff. Undertaken some weeks before the full launch.
Sessions 2 and 3 for staff. A mixture of presentation and interaction mode to introduce staff to Building Better Learners and the online programme. Usually one week apart.
For schools whose leaders are confident to introduce the concepts, practice and online programme of Building Better Learners to staff, using online resources provided by TLO in Leading the Learning Power Game.
Building Better Learners: Phase 1
Leading the Learning Power Game
The online resources in Leading the Learning Power Game are aimed at helping school leaders to launch the programme successfully and to plan and guide its progress. The unit consists of sections on:
- The strategic issues involved and what the programme for staff consists of
- A distillation of key messages of Learning Power
- How blended learning programmes work
- Leadership strategies to secure Learning Power
- Keeping an eye on progress
- Ways of introducing learning power and learning friendly cultures
- Where now, what next?
Building Better Learners: Phase 1
Online course: Playing the Learning Power Game
Playing the Learning Power Game is the core of the first phase of Building Better Learners. It consists of eight units, each expected to take about four to six weeks to implement in classrooms, using the Professional Learning Teams model.
- Two starting points for Building Better Learners — The underlying ideas, research and models
- Classroom relationships — Important shifts in classroom roles
- Talking about learning power — How and when to talk Learnish
- Celebrating learning power — What’s important in learning-friendly classrooms
- Designing learning powered lessons — How to put dual-focused lessons together
- A closer look at our students’ learning — What to look for and record about better learning
- Broadening the range of learning behaviours — A catalogue of ideas
- Impacts on cultures and on learners — How to monitor impact
Building Better Learners: Phase 1
Online resource: Finding Learning Power
Finding Learning Power is an online resource that sits alongside both phases of Building Better Learners. The resource offers the school and teachers:
- a manageable set of tools to enable them to collect and analyse information about their students’ learning character
- a spreadsheet package to help schools monitor, evaluate and manage their students’ learning behaviour data.
These tools help schools analyse their students’ learning behaviours and use this rich picture of learning character to underpin their approach to helping students to become better learners.
Printed pack (optional)
Also part of Phase 1 is a pack of printed publications, principally books and posters. Although optional, this is recommended as a valuable balance to the online elements.
The standard starter pack consists of:
- Three copies each of Building Learning Power, The Learning Powered School, and Learning to Learn — The Fourth Generation
- Five copies each of Building Learning Power in Action and Learning Power Heroes
- Four sets of four A2-size posters Building Learning Power: 4 Domains of Learning
- Four A2-size posters Your Learning Powered Mind
- One set of five ‘At a Glance Cards’ (A3 folded)
The pack can be tailored to a school’s needs, for example where the school has already purchased copies of some of the books, or wishes to make more copies available for staff.
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