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About our programmes

Schools that have taken building better learning seriously have quickly realised the centrality of professional development (PD) in making it work.

Changing the habits of a professional lifetime is not simple. It involves un-learning and re-learning: unpicking, readjusting, trying things out and seeing what works. It’s about staff using their own learning power to effect changes in themselves. Becoming proficient, and then developing further so that the ‘new approach becomes second nature, takes time and effort

That is why we have structured our core programmes carefully to deliver slow, deep-rooted change, and long-lasting results. Our core programmes include:

Start-up learning

The start-up learning can be either face-to-face or online. Its purpose is to bring all staff on board with building pupils’ learning habits; what it means, why it’s important and how to make a start. There are also sessions or materials for senior leaders to help them tackle the strategic implications of  learning culture change, whilst sessions for potential learning team leaders enable effective school-wide engagement.

Online learning to support in-school team learning 

After, but coupled to the initial training: the online courses extend teachers’ knowledge; the in-school learning teams turn this knowledge into practice. Within the courses, individual learning sessions cover topics in depth, whilst regular Professional Learning Team sessions offer staff time to discuss, share and plan learning enquiries on which to base changes in practice.


Book bundles

A selection of practical books to extend understanding of the approach amongst staff, governors and later, parents.

Free style learning

For schools wishing to tailor their journey, we can provide additional supporting programmes such as coaching visits or learning reviews. 


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